The artwork titled “Holy Week in Spain in Times Past” is a creation by the renowned artist Francisco Goya, which is believed to have been produced between the years 1820 and 1824. The medium used for this piece is chalk on paper, which was common for sketches and studies during that period. The work embodies the Romanticism art movement and is modest in scale, measuring 19.1 cm by 14.6 cm. It is currently housed in the National Gallery of Canada, located in Ottawa, Canada.
The artwork captures the solemnity and the theatrical religious fervor associated with the Holy Week celebrations in Spain. In the sketch, figures are depicted wearing traditional pointed hoods known as “capirotes,” which were worn by penitents during the processions. The use of these hoods was intended to focus on penance while preserving the anonymity of the individuals. The rough and expressive lines of the chalk create a sense of movement and texture, bringing life to the scene. The shading indicates the ambient solemnity of the event, with the penitents immersed in their own world of devotion. The attention to detail, albeit rendered in swift strokes, reveals Goya’s remarkable ability to convey emotion and atmosphere in even his preliminary studies.