The artwork titled “Horenka, Sadova 21” was created by the renowned street artist Banksy in 2022. The piece, which falls under the street art movement and graffiti genre, was crafted using spray paint and a stencil. It is part of the “Ukraine 2022” series.
The artwork is set against the backdrop of a dilapidated and war-torn building façade, possibly indicating the effects of conflict. Amidst the rubble and exposed brick of what appears to be the remains of several rooms, there is a striking image of a person sitting in a bathtub, painting or drawing on the wall. The figure, drawn in black and white, contrasts sharply with the surrounding decay, highlighting the sense of resilience and hope amidst destruction. This juxtaposition of art and ruin powerfully conveys both the vulnerability and the enduring spirit of the human condition.