The artwork titled “Hot Mess,” created by Charles James circa 2022 in Atlanta, United States, measures 76.2 by 76.2 centimeters. The piece is a vibrant and chaotic composition, characterized by an explosive mix of colors and textures. Dominated by bold red and fuchsia splashes, the artwork exudes a dynamic and energetic atmosphere. The background features a complex layering of various hues including greens, blues, and yellows, alongside intricate patterns and abstract forms. The interplay of drips, splatters, and scribbles in the artwork suggests a sense of spontaneity and raw emotion. The presence of geometric shapes and text elements adds depth and intrigue, making the composition both visually striking and thought-provoking.
Hot Mess (c.2022; Atlanta, United States) by Charles James
Artwork Information
Title | Hot Mess |
Artist | Charles James |
Date | c.2022; Atlanta, United States |
Dimensions | 76.2 x 76.2 cm |