The artwork titled “Houses with Thatched Roofs,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1884, and originating from Nuenen, Netherlands, is a pencil, wash, and ink piece on paper. This landscape, classified within the Realism movement, is presently exhibited at the Tate Modern in London, UK.
The artwork vividly captures a rustic scene with several houses featuring thatched roofs. The houses are nestled amidst bare trees, rendered with meticulous line work. The foreground displays an intricate pattern of lines, suggesting cultivated fields or a garden, leading the viewer’s eye toward the houses. The overall atmosphere is serene, yet there is a starkness to the scene, emphasized by the leafless trees against the sky. The composition is balanced, with the rooftops and intricately drawn branches providing a rhythmic visual flow. Van Gogh’s adept use of pencil, wash, and ink highlights his ability to convey texture and depth, creating a compelling depiction of rural life.