The artwork “Humanity: The Golden Age depicting three scenes from the lives of Adam and Eve; The Silver Age depicting three scenes from Orpheus: the Iron Age depicting three scenes from the lives of Cain and Abel” by Gustave Moreau, created in 1886, exists within the Symbolism movement. This allegorical painting, sized at 33.6 x 25.5 cm, is housed at the Musée National Gustave Moreau in Paris, France.
The artwork is an intricate and elaborate piece featuring nine distinct scenes organized into three rows, each depicting significant events from mythological and biblical narratives. The uppermost row, “The Golden Age,” focuses on Adam and Eve, presenting their story through three vivid scenes. The middle row, “The Silver Age,” shifts to three poignant moments from the legend of Orpheus. The lowest row, “The Iron Age,” graphically depicts three events from the lives of Cain and Abel. Each scene is framed with ornate, gilded carvings, emphasizing the grand and solemn nature of the themes. The paintings are rich in detail and coloration, embodying the introspective and mystical qualities characteristic of Symbolism.