The artwork, titled “I am looking for Mothers” and created by Louise Bourgeois in 2007 in the United States, belongs to the Confessional Art movement and represents a symbolic painting genre.
The artwork features a series of undulating, red lines that appear to be created with a fluid medium, possibly watercolor or ink, on a white backdrop. The lines intertwine and meander across the canvas in a loosely structured yet evocative manner, creating abstract shapes that could be interpreted in various ways. A soft diffusion of the red tones can be observed, possibly indicating a sense of bleeding or spreading, adding to the symbolic depth of the piece. The phrase “I am looking for Mothers” is inscribed on the lower left side in a delicate hand, juxtaposed with Bourgeois’s signature in the bottom right corner. The overall composition and execution evoke a sense of searching and longing, in line with the confessional and emotive nature of Bourgeois’s works.