The artwork titled “I Exist,” created by Harmonia Rosales in 2017, is a part of her series “B.I.T.C.H. Black Imaginary To Counter Hegemony.” It belongs to the postcolonial and feminist art movements and falls within the genre of religious painting. The central theme of the artwork reflects a reimagining and subversion of traditional biblical narratives to challenge hegemonic structures and introduce perspectives often marginalized in classical art.
In the artwork, a crucifixion scene is portrayed with a black woman assuming the role traditionally occupied by Christ, surrounded by figures depicted with evident sorrow and empathy. The background is dominated by warm, earthy tones that evoke a sense of gravitas and solemnity. Each figure is rendered with a sense of reverence, emphasizing expressions of profound emotion. The meticulously detailed attire of the surrounding figures, along with the inclusion of traditional iconography such as halos and skulls, serves to root the piece deeply within religious iconographic traditions while also instigating a radical reinterpretation of those very traditions. Overall, the painting prompts viewers to re-examine historical and cultural narratives through a lens of inclusivity and reflection.