The artwork titled “I wanted to love you more,” created by Louise Bourgeois in 2010 in the United States, is a symbolic painting that falls within the Confessional Art movement. This piece is characterized by its evocative and deeply personal style, reflecting the artist’s emotional experiences and internal struggles.
The artwork predominantly features a large red amorphous form, which appears to be bleeding into the surrounding white space. There is an overlay of black marks at the top, adding a contrasting intensity to the composition. Central to the painting’s symbolic nature is a faint, minimally sketched figure within the red form, symbolizing vulnerability and emotional exposure. Below the main image, the words “I WANTED TO LOVE YOU MORE” are inscribed, further emphasizing the theme of emotional longing and unfulfilled affection. The starkness of the text against the otherwise abstract composition underscores the deep personal narrative that Bourgeois is communicating. The use of color and form in this artwork poignantly conveys the artist’s introspective confrontation with love and loss.