“Ice Palace,” created by Pierre Bonnard between approximately 1896 and 1898, is an oil painting on cardboard that exemplifies the Post-Impressionism movement. This portrait is currently part of a private collection.
The artwork depicts a lively ice-skating scene with a couple prominently featured in the foreground. The woman, dressed in an elaborate bright red dress with voluminous sleeves and a decorative hat, is being closely accompanied by a man in dark attire, perhaps a formal black suit and hat. The expressiveness of the brush strokes and the use of vibrant colors are characteristic of Post-Impressionism, vividly capturing the motion and atmosphere of the scene. The background, filled with other skaters and blurred depictions of the setting, adds depth and dynamism to the composition. The application of oil on cardboard in this piece allows for a textured and rich visual effect, highlighting Bonnard’s skill in capturing fleeting moments with emotive color and bold structure.