The artwork titled “Il Canto Della Vergine,” created by the artist Roberto Ferri in 2015 in Italy, is a distinguished piece that belongs to the Neo-baroque and Kitsch art movements. This religious painting, which also features elements of nude painting (nu), measures 100 by 140 centimeters.
“Il Canto Della Vergine” presents a dramatic and highly detailed portrayal of a female figure. The subject, nude and appearing in an emotional or transcendental state, is partially covered with a white draped fabric. She reclines, seemingly in mid-motion, with her back arched and her head tilted backwards. In her hand, she grasps a black cross—a likely reference to religious symbolism. Surrounding the figure are doves in flight, contributing to the ethereal and intense atmosphere of the scene. The lighting and shadowing are masterfully utilized, underscoring the Baroque influence in the depiction of the human form and fabric, enhancing the painting’s lifelike quality.