The artwork, titled “In Blue,” was created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1925 in Alten/Dessau-alten, Germany. This piece, rendered in oil on canvas, is an exemplar of Abstract Art, a movement known for its emphasis on non-representational forms and colors. Measuring 80 by 110 centimeters, the abstract genre painting is housed in the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, Germany.
“In Blue” presents an intricate interplay of geometric shapes and vibrant colors, set against a rich blue background that lives up to the title. Dominant elements include circles, triangles, and other angular forms, which float in a dynamic, almost cosmic arrangement. The contrasting warm and cool tones, along with sharp and soft edges, create a sense of movement and energy, typical of Kandinsky’s style. The work elicits different interpretations from the viewer, inviting one into a contemplative exploration of abstract forms and emotional resonance.