The artwork, titled “In order to escape from Moriya who ambushed him Prince Shôtoku vanishes into a tree on which his shadowy form appears,” was created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi in 1840. It belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and falls under the genre of battle painting, depicting a dramatic scene from Japanese history or legend.
In the artwork, a samurai warrior, presumably Prince Shôtoku, is depicted riding a horse at full gallop. He appears in traditional samurai armor, adorned with intricate and colorful details, holding a long spear. The horse is captured mid-stride, emphasizing the sense of urgency and movement. A large tree dominates the left side of the scene, and on its surface, faint outlines suggest a supernatural or shadowy presence, implying Prince Shôtoku’s mystical escape. The background is filled with lush greenery and towering trees, evoking a dense forest. This piece is a poignant blend of dynamic motion and supernatural intrigue, characteristic of Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s evocative storytelling through visual art.