“In Repins studio. Drawing evening,” created by Ilya Repin in 1882, is a representative work of Realism, specifically categorized as a sketch and study. The artwork captures a candid scene within the artist’s studio, where individuals are engrossed in the act of drawing, contributing to the intimate and immediate feel of the work.
The artwork is rendered with a sketch-like quality that conveys a sense of movement and spontaneity. Several figures are depicted in a domestic interior, likely the artist’s own studio, each deeply focused on the task of drawing. The figures are seated around a table adorned with lamps, which cast soft shadows and illuminate the working surfaces, adding to the atmosphere of concentration and artistic endeavor. The loose, quick strokes suggest the ability of the artist to accurately depict not just the physical space but the essence of the moment with great economy of line. The drawing is enriched with a palpable sense of community and shared purpose. A variety of easels, papers, and drawing utensils are visible, enhancing the impression of a creative and productive environment. The composition invites viewers to glimpse the private world of the artist and his circle, observing the process of creation as a shared and sociable event.