Wassily Kandinsky, a pioneer of abstract art, created “In Blue” in 1925. The painting features various abstract forms in shades of red, orange, and tawny color set against a blue backdrop. Kandinsky believed that blue was the most spiritual color as it represented infinity and spirituality.
The painting showcases his theory about the ability of colors and shapes to represent sound and evoke human emotion. He believed that colors were like musical notes and could produce emotions when viewed together on a canvas. Kandinsky was known for hearing sounds as colors, which he tried to replicate in his artwork by using various colors and shapes.
Kandinsky was an active art theorist who wrote books about art theory. His earlier works like Blue Mountain and Landscape with Tower reflect his transition from impressionism to modern abstract art. He emphasized the synthesis of the visual and auditory realms through his creations.
“In Blue” is a testament to Kandinsky’s fascination with color symbolism; each shape and stroke appears calculated towards the completeness of its entirety while shrouded imagery confronts viewers’ eyes with their interpretations regarding its unknown aspects.