The artwork titled “Interior at Menil-Hubert” was created by the renowned artist Edgar Degas in 1892. This painting is executed in the medium of oil on canvas and is a prime exemplar of the Impressionist movement. As an interior genre painting, it offers a glimpse into the domestic space of the time it represents.
In the artwork, the observer is presented with a rich portrayal of an indoor scene. The composition displays a room with decorated walls featuring a floral wallpaper pattern. A sense of depth and space is achieved through the use of perspective, as seen in the placement of furniture and mirrors. On the left side, there is a wooden sideboard with a mirror above it, reflecting parts of the room and objects that rest on its surface. Two framed artworks are hung on the wall, adding to the cultured atmosphere of the setting.
The central part of the room is illuminated by what appears to be natural light, casting shadows on the wooden floor and enhancing the three-dimensionality of the furnishings. An empty chair with a round back and intricate detailing on the seating area is positioned near a partially open door, leading the eye to wonder about the adjoining space. The round mirror on the far wall offers another point of reflection, contributing to the play of light and shadow within the room and underscoring the Impressionist fascination with such visual effects.
Overall, Degas’s “Interior at Menil-Hubert” encapsulates the quietude and intimacy of a private interior, rendered with the characteristic brushwork and examination of light that defines Impressionist art.