The artwork, titled “Intermission,” was created by Rene Magritte in 1928, in Paris, France. It is an oil painting on canvas, adherent to the Surrealism art movement, measuring 114 x 161 cm. This symbolic painting is currently held in a private collection.
“Intermission” is a surreal and thought-provoking piece. The artwork presents a fragmented and disjointed human figure, depicted through isolated legs and torsos positioned against an ambiguous and dramatic backdrop. The legs are arranged in various poses, some seemingly mid-motion, while others are static. The background is characterized by a dark and ominous sky above a mountain with irregular dark spots, adding to the atmospheric tension. A curtain and a portion of an architectural structure frame the scene, contributing to the surreal and mysterious ambiance that is characteristic of Magritte’s work. The painting evokes a sense of intrigue, challenging the viewer to contemplate the elements and their possible symbolic meanings in the context of surrealism.