“Island of Rest,” created in 1937 by Nicholas Roerich, is a distinguished piece rendered in tempera on panel. This artwork, categorized under the Symbolism movement, measures 29 x 45 cm and depicts a cityscape. Presently maintained at the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow, Russia, this extraordinary work showcases Roerich’s profound artistic vigor and deep connection to spiritual and mystical themes.
The artwork presents a striking and majestic portrayal of what appears to be a fortress or monastery, gracefully perched atop a rugged hillside. The cascading arrangement of white and ochre buildings, accented with deep shadows and stark illuminations, exemplifies architectural grandeur against a serene, blue-toned backdrop. The mass and weight of the structures are emphasized, seemingly growing out of the very rock they stand upon, which gives them an illusion of timelessness and sanctuary. The forms are geometric and simplified, contributing to a sense of tranquility and otherworldliness. The foreground features several small stupas or shrines, adding a sacred dimension that melds harmoniously with the encompassing landscape. The overall composition encapsulates a sense of peace and seclusion, evoking the ‘island of rest’ that the title suggests.