“Jack-in-the-Pulpit No. IV,” created by Georgia O’Keeffe in 1930, is an oil painting on canvas that belongs to the Precisionism art movement. It is part of the “Jack in the Pulpit” series and is classified as a flower painting. This artwork is currently housed in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, US.
The artwork features a striking depiction of the Jack-in-the-Pulpit flower, abstracted and magnified to create a nearly surreal interpretation. Dominated by deep hues of black and green with accents of white and blue, O’Keeffe’s composition emphasizes the flowing, organic lines and curves of the plant. The flower’s form is rendered with a remarkable clarity and precision, evocative of the Precisionist movement’s focus on sharp edges and smooth surfaces. The painting’s play of light and shadow, along with its bold color palette, imbues it with a sense of depth and intensity, drawing the viewer into the intricate beauty of the natural subject.