“James Fairclough, MP, Mayor of Warrington,” a notable portrait created by the artist James Charles in the year 1897, is a distinguished work within the Realism movement. The artwork illustrates the prowess of Charles in the domain of portraiture, encapsulating the essence of the subject within the textures and tones typical of Realism.
The artwork portrays James Fairclough, who held the office of Mayor of Warrington, attired in an elaborate mayoral costume. His attire signifies authority and ceremonial importance, consisting of ornate elements such as a golden chain, a fur-lined cloak, and intricate lace details. The backdrop is composed of rich, warm colors, enhancing the stateliness of the portrait. The composition and precise execution of the brushwork in this Realist piece underscore the artist’s commitment to capturing the true likeness and dignified presence of the mayor.