“Jasmine” is a captivating artwork by Albert Joseph Moore, created in 1893 in the United Kingdom. Utilizing oil on canvas as his medium, Moore’s work exemplifies the stylings of Academicism, a period characterized by traditional techniques and formal composition. The dimensions of the painting are 50.1 x 66.6 cm. Classified as a genre painting, “Jasmine” is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork portrays a serene and elegant scene featuring a young woman in repose. The subject lies on a luxurious, crimson-colored couch with opulent pillows, suggesting a moment of relaxation or possibly gentle slumber. Her delicate white and pink draped garment conveys a sense of tranquility and softness, while the pleasing contrast of textures and colors adds depth to the composition. The woman’s relaxed posture and closed eyes evoke a sense of peacefulness. The background is decorated with an ornately patterned wallpaper, and above her, a draped fabric adds a theatrical element to the scene.
A red vase containing jasmine flowers and other blooms stands near her feet on a striped floor covering, adding a natural and fragrant element to the composition that may also allude to the title of the piece. Around the woman are scattered jasmine blossoms, further connecting the figure to the simple yet meaningful beauty of the natural world. This attention to detail in both the figure and the surroundings showcases Moore’s ability to create harmony within his composition, blending classical ideals of beauty with the quiet moments of everyday life.