The artwork, titled “Je rêvais (1ère version),” was created by the renowned artist Le Corbusier in the year 1953. It is a profound piece that intertwines elements of Cubism and Surrealism, falling under the genre of symbolic painting.
In “Je rêvais (1ère version),” the viewer is presented with a composition that features abstract and geometric forms rendered in a vibrant and contrasting color palette dominated by reds, blues, and greens. The artwork displays a complex interplay of shapes, creating a dynamic sense of movement and rhythm. The forms appear to be both fragmented and cohesive, characteristic of the Cubist influence, while the surreal arrangement of objects and shapes evokes a dream-like quality, aligning with Surrealist principles. The piece is imbued with symbolic elements, inviting the viewer to delve into deeper interpretations of its meaning.