The artwork titled “Jean Joseph Marie Carri,” created by the esteemed artist John Singer Sargent circa 1880, is an oil-on-canvas portrait belonging to the Realism art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 55.88 x 46.99 cm.
In this compelling portrait, the artist has captured the solemn and contemplative demeanor of the subject, Jean Joseph Marie Carri. The use of dark, rich hues contrasts beautifully with the illuminated complexion of Carri’s face, highlighting his features and expression with masterful brushwork. Sargent’s skillful technique is evident in the delicate rendering of the subject’s hair and beard, as well as the subtle play of light and shadow across his visage. The background is rendered in deep, muted tones, which serves to bring the focus entirely on the subject. This piece is a fine example of Sargent’s ability to evoke depth and personality through his meticulous and realistic portrayal.