The artwork, titled “Jeanne de Boulogne, Duchess of Berry,” was created by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1524 in Germany. It belongs to the Northern Renaissance art movement and falls under the genre of sketch and study.
The artwork depicts a detailed sketched portrait of Jeanne de Boulogne, Duchess of Berry. Rendered in a delicate, minimally colored manner, she is portrayed in profile, with her hands clasped in prayer, indicating a sense of piety. She is adorned with a richly detailed headpiece and a high-collared garment, both adorned with fine details suggesting opulence and high status. The subtle use of color accentuates her ornate accessories, including the embroidery on her headpiece and the intricacies of her clothing. The overall effect is one of grace and solemnity, capturing the essence of the Duchess with impressive precision and subtlety.