Created around 1891 by Mary Cassatt, the artwork titled “Jenny and Her Sleepy Child” is an oil painting on canvas that exemplifies the Impressionist movement. The dimensions of this genre painting are approximately 71.12 x 58.42 cm, and it currently resides within a private collection. This painting encapsulates a tender moment shared between a mother and her child, a recurring theme in Cassatt’s oeuvre.
The artwork depicts a mother and her young child. The mother, dressed in light, soft colors, conveys a sense of calmness and maternal affection as she looks at her child. Her gaze is gentle and contemplative, suggesting a deep connection with her offspring. The sleepy child, clad in a white dress with delicate texture, seems to radiate innocence and tranquility. The posture and expression suggest that the child may be on the verge of sleep or is resting comfortably against the mother. The loose, expressive brushstrokes create an intimate atmosphere, and the softness of the palette—which includes whites, blues, and hints of pink—enhances the quiet mood of the scene. The Impressionist style is evident in the dynamic use of light and the emphasis on capturing a fleeting moment, rather than a detailed, true-to-life representation. The backdrop is minimally defined, allowing the focus to remain on the figures and their interaction, thus exemplifying the characteristics of a genre painting, which presents scenes of everyday life.