The artwork, titled “John Richard Pickmere, Mayor of Warrington,” is a portrait painted by James Charles in 1883. Executed in the Realism art movement, the piece captures a detailed and lifelike representation of its subject, reflecting the artist’s meticulous attention to reality and detail.
In the portrait, the subject, John Richard Pickmere, is positioned seated in an ornate chair. He is depicted wearing mayoral regalia, including a fur-lined ceremonial robe and a prominent gold chain adorned with a medallion, signifying his authoritative status. His dignified expression and poised posture convey a sense of respectability and stature. The background is dark and unobtrusive, ensuring that the viewer’s focus remains on the subject. The overall composition and use of lighting exemplify the Realist approach, emphasizing a true-to-life depiction free from abstraction or idealization.