The artwork, titled “Jonah and the Whale,” was created by the artist “Orthodox Icons” circa 1890. It belongs to the “Vologda school of icon painting” art movement and is categorized under the genre of “icon.” This piece is part of the “Saints” series.
The artwork is a unique representation within the tradition of Orthodox iconography, depicting the biblical story of Jonah and the whale. The piece displays intricate detailing and vibrant colors typical of the Vologda school of icon painting. There are multiple depictions of Jonah; one shows him being thrown into the sea, another captures him inside the whale, and yet another reveals Jonah upon land after being released. The artists have skillfully utilized the three-dimensional wooden surface to create a narrative flow, enhancing the storytelling aspect through visual means. The artwork also features other saintly figures, with halos and traditional iconographic elements, against the backdrop of turbulent seas and skies, reinforcing the sacred context of the narrative.