The artwork titled “Kagesue, Takatsuna and Shigetada crossing the Uji river” was created by the renowned artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. This piece belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and is categorized within the genre of battle painting.
The artwork vividly depicts a dramatic scene where three samurai warriors, Kagesue, Takatsuna, and Shigetada, are in the midst of crossing the tumultuous Uji River on horseback. The river’s intense, swirling currents are rendered with dynamic, undulating lines, creating a sense of movement and tension. The warriors, donned in traditional samurai armor, are portrayed with meticulous detail, highlighting their resolve and bravery as they navigate the perilous waters. The background features a stark, mountainous landscape under a twilight sky, adding to the overall drama and urgency of the scene. The use of rich colors and intricate patterns is characteristic of Kuniyoshi’s style, making this artwork a striking example of Ukiyo-e battle paintings.