The artwork titled “Kansaki Yagoro Noriyasu seen behind a transparent screen” is a notable piece by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi, created within the Ukiyo-e art movement. This portrait exemplifies the genre’s attention to detailed representation and dynamic composition.
In the artwork, the figure of Kansaki Yagoro Noriyasu is depicted partially obscured by a transparent screen. The scene is intricate, capturing both the character’s expression of determination and the elaborate attire. The screen itself is adorned with a delightful pattern featuring autumn leaves and flowing water, creating a juxtaposition of natural beauty against the human form. Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s skillful use of line and color is evident, with the pattern on the screen providing a decorative frame that contrasts the austerity of the warrior behind it. The composition features traditional Japanese iconography and evokes a rich historical context, characteristic of the Ukiyo-e style.