The artwork, titled “Keep It Spotless (Defaced Hirst),” was created by the artist Banksy in 2007. This piece falls under the conceptual art and street art movements and is categorized as figurative art.
“Keep It Spotless (Defaced Hirst)” depicts a maid lifting back a section of Damien Hirst’s iconic “spot painting” as if she is sweeping dust away. The background consists of a series of brightly colored polka dots arranged in a grid pattern, characteristic of Hirst’s work. The maid, rendered in a monochrome stencil style, stands out starkly against the vibrant background. She is dressed in traditional maid attire, complete with an apron and headpiece. This juxtaposition of styles and thematic elements creates a provocative commentary on the nature of art and cleanliness, as well as a playful subversion of both Banksy’s and Hirst’s typical subjects.