The artwork titled “Kern County, California, 1938,” created by Dorothea Lange in 1965, is a remarkable piece within the Social Realism movement. Classified under the genre of photography, this artwork presents a dynamic portrayal of social and political sentiments during its time.
The artwork depicts a dilapidated air pump station, centrally positioned with a prominent sign reading, “AIR THIS IS YOUR COUNTRY DON’T LET THE BIG MEN TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU.” This evocative message is rendered in capital letters, underlining the urgency and defiance of the sentiment. The backdrop includes a white-painted fence and a small wooden house, indicative of a modest rural setting. The clarity of the photograph and its black-and-white scheme amplifies the stark reality of the scene, capturing the essence of a turbulent socio-political climate in 1938 Kern County, California. The overall composition of the piece eloquently communicates a powerful narrative of resistance and the everyday struggles of common people.