The artwork titled “Kettle Over a Fire, and a Cottage by Night,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885 in Nuenen, Netherlands, is a chalk drawing on paper that belongs to the Realism art movement. This sketch and study piece is part of the collection housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
This artwork features a detailed depiction of a kettle placed over a fire, casting shadows and textures that illustrate van Gogh’s meticulous attention to light and form. The kettle is accompanied by surrounding elements such as a small cooking pot and a semblance of other kitchen paraphernalia, all rendered in strong, vivid strokes of chalk. In a smaller section of the artwork, an illustration of a cottage at night is presented, evoking a sense of serenity and simplicity that characterized much of van Gogh’s work during his early career. The overall composition showcases van Gogh’s adept skill in conveying depth and atmosphere through minimalistic yet expressive sketches.