The artwork titled “King David,” created by Marc Chagall in 1974 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, is a lithograph on paper. As a piece associated with the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement, it measures 29 x 21 cm and falls within the genre of religious painting.
The artwork depicts a figure that is likely King David, characterized with a crown symbolizing his royal status, who appears to be playing a harp. The lithograph employs a naive and primitive style, suggested by Chagall’s expressive and somewhat simplistic use of lines and forms. Colors are minimally used, with subtle hints adding depth and emphasis, primarily focusing on the crown and harp while the background remains sparse. This minimalist approach accentuates the figure of King David, making his representation the primary focus of the piece, in keeping with the religious and historical significance of the subject.