The artwork titled “Kiura Okaemon Sadayuki,” created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi around c.1847 to c.1848, is an exceptional woodblock print measuring 36.8 x 25.2 cm. As a part of the Ukiyo-e art movement, this illustration belongs to the series “Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai” and is located in the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, MA, US.
The artwork depicts a vividly rendered samurai character, Kiura Okaemon Sadayuki, in a dynamic stance. The samurai is shown wearing traditional armor, characterized by elaborate patterns and colors, suggesting both the aesthetic and practical aspects of his attire. Overlaid with intricate designs, including floral and wave motifs, the clothing and armor signify the detail-oriented craftsmanship typical of Ukiyo-e prints. The samurai grips a katana with both hands, poised for action, symbolizing readiness and valor. The background includes detailed Japanese characters, providing context and narrative to the scene, reinforcing the historical and cultural essence of the samurais’ stories. This woodblock print exemplifies Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s mastery in capturing the spirit of loyalty and martial prowess integral to samurai lore.