The artwork titled “Kneeling cow” is an oil on canvas painting created by the artist Paul Gauguin in 1888 during his time in France. It is a significant piece within the Post-Impressionism art movement, specifically classified as an animal painting genre. Currently, the artwork is part of a private collection.
The artwork portrays a cow, at rest, seemingly kneeling or lying down on the ground. The cow, predominantly in shades of black and white, contrasts with the background, which consists of earthy and green hues, indicative of a natural, outdoor setting. The cow’s position is relaxed, conveying a sense of tranquility. The painting’s brushwork is visible, with a variety of textures that suggest a rich, tactile experience. Gauguin has applied the paint in a way that emphasizes the form and presence of the cow within its environment.
In the background, there is a suggestion of foliage and the outline of what may be other elements of the rural landscape, such as rocks or low-lying structures, though these details are somewhat abstracted and not the focal point of the work. The tree trunk to the left frames the composition, adding a vertical counterpoint to the horizontal lines of the reclining cow.
This piece exemplifies Gauguin’s approach to Post-Impressionism, where the artist moved away from the precise realism of earlier periods and towards a more expressive and emotive representation, focused on the use of color and form to convey deeper meanings and emotions.