“Kneeling Ecorche” is a sketch and study created by Vincent van Gogh in the year 1887 in Paris, France. This artwork, rendered using pencil, ink, and paper, belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement. It is housed in the Van Gogh Museum located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork portrays a meticulously detailed anatomical study of a human figure in a kneeling position. The artist employs strong, angular lines to highlight the musculature and bone structure of the figure, emphasizing its form and depth. The figure’s head is bowed down, arms raised in a gesture that suggests a blend of exertion and introspection. Despite its seemingly raw and unfinished appearance, the drawing exhibits Van Gogh’s mastery in capturing human anatomy and movement through simple yet powerful lines. The texture of the paper and medium contributes to the sketch’s organic and realistic essence, making it an evocative study of the human form.