“Kokopelli with Snow,” created by Georgia O’Keeffe in 1942, epitomizes the Precisionism art movement and represents the still life genre. The artwork features a stylized depiction of the Native American fertility deity, Kokopelli, adorned with distinctive feathers and set against a backdrop of falling snow. The use of precise lines and minimalistic color palette underscores the Precisionist influence, while capturing the mystical and serene essence of Kokopelli within a wintry scene.
The artwork primarily employs soft blues and whites to create a tranquil snowy backdrop, with delicate white dots that symbolize snowflakes gently descending. Kokopelli is depicted with intricate detailing, wearing a dark mask or headdress embellished with geometric symbols and feathers, blending traditional representation with O’Keeffe’s signature modernist style. The composition juxtaposes the simplicity of the snowy expanse with the detailed adornments of Kokopelli, evoking a sense of calm and reverence.