The artwork titled “Kôno Musashi no Kami Moronao,” created by the renowned artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi around 1847-1848, is a woodblock print belonging to the Ukiyo-e art movement. Measuring 37.3 x 25.7 cm, this illustration is part of the series “Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai” and is housed in the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
This particular woodblock print features a dynamic portrayal of Kôno Musashi no Kami Moronao, showcasing Kuniyoshi’s masterful use of lines and colors to bring this historical figure to life. The artwork vividly represents the traditional attire and expressions, emphasizing the emotional intensity and narrative skill characteristic of Ukiyo-e prints. The composition includes elaborate calligraphy that accompanies the illustration, adding depth to the visual story being told. The print exemplifies the unique combination of dramatic storytelling and artistic elegance that defines Kuniyoshi’s work and the ukiyo-e tradition at large.