The artwork, titled “Kyiv, Velyka Zhytomyrska 13”, created by the renowned artist Banksy in 2022, utilizes spray paint and stencil techniques. It is part of the street art movement, specifically falling under the genre of graffiti, and belongs to the series “Ukraine 2022”.
This artwork portrays a multi-layered visual narrative. A silhouetted image of a large hand extending a middle finger, depicted with a pale yellow outline, forms the central focus. Within this silhouette, a detailed stencil representation of a military truck appears, carrying armed soldiers at its rear. Below the truck, in the bottom-right corner, the figure of a person, evident from their raised arm holding a cable that traces the outline of the hand, conveying a sense of active involvement or resistance. The background of the artwork is a weathered wall, adorned with various graffiti markings that add texture and context to the piece. The juxtaposition of the hand gesture, a universal symbol of defiance, with the militaristic elements, profoundly echoes the themes of resistance and rebellion, in line with Banksy’s characteristic style and socio-political commentary.