“L’Arlesienne, Portrait of Madame Ginoux,” created by the esteemed artist Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, is a study rendered in ink on paper. This piece is a notable example of Post-Impressionism, specifically falling under the genre of sketch and study.
The artwork features a seated woman, Madame Ginoux, positioned against a stark, vibrant yellow backdrop. She rests her head thoughtfully on her hand, which is propped on her cheek. Draped in a dark, simple gown with a white shawl and adorned with a floral detail, the subject exudes a sense of contemplation and tranquility. Before her lies an open book, emphasizing a moment of introspection or literary engagement. Another book is placed closed on the table, further indicating her connection with knowledge and introspection. The bold brushstrokes and the vivid color palette are typical of van Gogh’s unique style, capturing both the likeness and the mood of the subject with remarkable expressiveness.