The artwork titled “La chata,” created by Pablo Picasso in 1899, represents an example of portrait genre within the Expressionism movement. This mixed media creation, employing charcoal, gouache, and watercolor on paper, measures 31.6 cm in height and 7.6 cm in width. It is part of the collection at the Museu Picasso in Barcelona, Spain.
“La chata” displays a strong expressive quality typical of the Expressionism movement, with visible, confident strokes and a distinctive use of color that imparts a sense of emotional depth. The portrait features a figure with distinctive attire and a countenance that captures the viewer’s attention through its exaggerated features and striking use of contrast, which seems characteristic of Picasso’s early exploration of form and color. Overall, the artwork encapsulates a moment captured with intense emotional resonance, highlighting the artist’s ability to convey feeling through his command of medium and style.