The artwork, titled “La Crau with Peach Trees in Bloom,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. It belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement and is categorized as a sketch and study.
The artwork captures a scenic rural landscape characterized by blooming peach trees. Executed with expressive linework typical of Van Gogh’s style, the composition presents an expansive view of the countryside. In the foreground, the peach trees, though rendered minimally, convey a sense of liveliness and growth. Beyond the trees, the image portrays fields, a few rustic buildings, and an open sky with flowing clouds, exemplifying the artist’s penchant for depicting nature and agrarian life in his unique manner. The horizon extends into the distance, providing depth and a sense of openness that imbues the scene with tranquility and vitality.