The artwork “La Fortune,” created by the renowned artist Man Ray in 1938, is a significant representation of the Surrealism movement. This piece, rendered in oil on canvas, falls within the landscape genre and is housed at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, NY, US.
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with a curious scene where vivid, multicolored clouds populate the sky, each cloud taking on a vibrant hue ranging from red and yellow to blue and orange. Dominating the foreground is a tilted billiard table, seemingly floating or precariously balanced with two white balls and one red ball positioned atop it. The table appears as though it is set against an expansive, otherworldly landscape, with distant mountains creating a serene yet enigmatic backdrop. The entire composition evokes a sense of surrealism, blending ordinary objects with fantastical elements to challenge the viewer’s perception of reality. The juxtaposition of the everyday billiard table against a surreal sky implores an exploration into the deeper narrative and symbolism embedded within the scene.