The artwork titled “La mer,” created by artist Le Corbusier in 1964, is a sculpture that incorporates elements of the Cubist art movement. The piece epitomizes the tendency in Cubism to fragment and abstract forms in a manner that challenges traditional perspectives.
The sculpture exhibits vivid use of color and geometric abstraction, characteristics often associated with Cubism. The shapes are bold and interact dynamically, evoking the complexity and movement of the sea, as the title suggests. The interplay of color, mainly the striking contrast between the red, blue, and the Earth tones, contributes to an energetic composition that seems to change when viewed from different angles, mimicking the fluidity and ever-changing nature of water. The incorporation of both painted and natural wood elements adds texture and depth, suggesting a blend of the man-made and the natural—a central motif in Le Corbusier’s oeuvre that often explored the relationship between nature and human creativity.