The artwork, titled “La Vérité est Que” and created by the artist “Ben” in 1971, belongs to the Conceptual Art movement and falls within the figurative genre. Conceptual Art focuses on the idea or concept behind the work, often prioritizing it over traditional aesthetic and material concerns.
The artwork features handwritten French text in white on a black background. The text, executed in a casual script, delivers a candid message about the artist’s motivations and feelings regarding their work and its reception. The text reads: “La vérité est que: moi aussi, comme tous les autres artistes, je fais de l’art pour la gloire. La vérité est que: je suis jaloux des autres artistes qui ont plus de succès que moi. La vérité est que à cause de l’art je souffre et que j’aimerais changer.” This translates to: “The truth is that: me too, like all other artists, I make art for the glory. The truth is that: I am jealous of other artists who have more success than me. The truth is that: because of art I suffer and I would like to change.” The artwork’s straightforward and introspective nature challenges traditional artistic norms and provides a raw look into the personal thoughts of the artist.