“Labyrinth II,” created by Salvador Dali in 1941, is an oil on canvas artwork belonging to the Surrealism movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 64 x 79 cm, and it falls under the genre of landscape. Currently, it is housed in a private collection.
The artwork features a haunting yet dream-like landscape that is typical of Dali’s surrealistic style. A series of elongated shadows cast by tall, slender tree-like figures stretch across a golden-yellow terrain. The central focus of the piece is a throne-like structure sitting atop a small set of stairs. This throne appears ornate and complex, with intricate details that suggest regality and structure amidst the chaos of the landscape. Around this central throne, one can detect various forms and objects scattered across the ground, contributing to the enigmatic narrative quality of the work. The sky is rendered with gentle gradations, evoking a sense of transition between day and night or perhaps reality and dream. Despite the absence of clear human figures, the landscape is filled with a sense of activity and enigma, inviting viewers to decipher its intricate symbolism and unearth the story within this surreal realm.