The artwork, titled “Lady Maxwell,” was created by the renowned artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau in the year 1890. Executed in the medium of oil on canvas, the artwork is a quintessential example of the Academicism movement, measuring 89.2 x 129.2 cm. Classified as a portrait, it currently resides in a private collection.
“Lady Maxwell” portrays a young woman seated in an ornate chair, exuding an air of grace and quiet confidence. The subject is dressed in a sumptuous gown of soft, muted tones with a delicate floral embellishment at the bodice. Her serene gaze and composed posture are captured with meticulous attention to detail, characteristic of Bouguereau’s masterful technique. The background features a tastefully decorated interior, further enhancing the aura of refinement and elegance that permeates the artwork. The warm, realistic rendering and harmonious composition underscore Bouguereau’s skill in creating lifelike and emotionally resonant portraits.