The artwork, titled “Lake Hyumpola”, was created by the artist Nicholas Roerich. Utilizing oil on canvas as his medium, Roerich’s piece is a part of the Symbolism movement. This landscape painting measures 35.5 x 53.3 cm and is held in a private collection.
“Lake Hyumpola” depicts an expansive and serene landscape, characterized by smooth, wide brushstrokes that convey the tranquil essence of the natural scenery. The composition features a calm lake surrounded by undulating hills and distant mountains under a pale, expansive sky. The colors blend subtly, with shades of blue and purple dominating the scenery, which emphasize the peaceful ambiance and the mystic quality often associated with Symbolist art. The overall impression evokes a sense of calmness and introspective reflection, emblematic of Roerich’s symbolic artistry.