“Landscape with the Wall of a Farm,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, is an exemplar of Post-Impressionism rendered in ink on paper. This sketch and study, indicative of van Gogh’s exploration of rural themes, is currently housed in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, Israel.
The artwork captures a tranquil rural scene, delineated primarily through bold, flowing lines. The composition includes a farm’s stone wall as the focal point, extending horizontally across the paper. Behind the wall, lush vegetation and trees rise, their foliage depicted with intricate, dense strokes. A modest farm structure with a pitched roof is situated to the left, partly hidden by the abundant greenery. The foreground is occupied by wild grasses and varied plant life, sketched with minimalistic yet expressive lines, conveying the natural texture of the landscape. The sky, lightly hatched, provides a sense of calm, completing this evocative and studied portrayal of rural life.