The artwork titled “Lee Miller,” created by the esteemed artist Man Ray, belongs to the Dada art movement and is classified under the genre of portraiture. This composition serves as a striking representation of the Dada movement’s avant-garde and often unconventional approach to artistic expression.
The artwork portrays a profile view of a woman, likely the eponymous Lee Miller, showcasing an elegant and composed demeanor. Her hair is meticulously styled, smooth and lustrous, indicating a sense of refinement. The lighting in the artwork creates a stark contrast, accentuating the contours of her face and the cleanliness of her features. The background is subtly gradient, creating focus on the subject without distracting details. This monochromatic piece underscores the precision with which Man Ray captures not only the physical attributes but also the serene aura of the subject, reflecting the innovative spirit of the Dada movement.