“Leeches,” a figurative artwork created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1983, forms part of “The Daros Suite of Thirty-Two Drawings.” Rendered in acrylic, charcoal, crayon, pastel, and pencil, this piece measures 57 by 76.5 centimeters and is currently housed in the Daros Collection in Zürich, Switzerland. Embracing the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements, Basquiat’s intricate composition offers a vivid exploration of themes using a mix of chaotic and structured elements.
The artwork presents a complex, multi-layered composition characterized by a vibrant red, and blue color palette with dynamic black areas. It intersperses text fragments and seemingly random symbolic images, creating a decentralizing narrative typical of Basquiat’s style. With references to bodily organs, parasites, and scientific terminologies, it conveys a raw and visceral reflection on human fragility and societal constructs. The fragmented texts and drawings invite viewers to piece together an understanding, resonating with the erratic and poignant essence of Basquiat’s oeuvre.